
Sunday, January 8, 2012

And so it is done.

I have decided that since MHA no longer has a newsletter that I would throw together a little blog for those who are interested in knowing what's going on in the club. If you are one of the interested I hope that you will also like us on Facebook.
So It is January 2012. Holy cow! It sure feels like that last year went by fast. I am very much looking forward to a bunch of fun horse type stuff coming up. The first big thing is the 3rd Annual MHA crab feed!(Feb 11th)  This is always such a super fun event. We have the best Italian cooks making up some delicious pasta, salad, garlic  and of course, yummy crab (marinated and plain). Nothing gets me salivating like some marinated crustation. Of course lets not forget the fantabulous raffle. If any one feels froggy and wants to donate please let me know. I love me some donations. We also offer a beer and wine bar and ice cream for desert.  All our proceeds this year go to help us maintain our arena. We are one of the only public horse arenas left in California. All you horse people know it's getting harder and harder to find a safe place to ride. Free of bicycles, dogs and horse eating strollers. Our arena offers people a safe place to ride young horses or tune up old horses. Or maybe  your 4-Her needs help building confidence out side of her own barn. We also rent out for events. We have branched out and now have some dog folks renting for dog shows. 
Also coming up is our possible Jamboree, details yet to be released. The Northern California Horse Expo and SHOWS!!! I can't wait. I have been riding the shoes right off of poor old Bob. Be sure to come back to the blog periodically to check and see what else is going on.  


  1. Now that this is up why aren't you posting with all of the good things that MHA is doing this year? The photos of our arena looking so good, the clinics, the meetings...etc... Com'on girl!
